Sunday, February 10, 2008


Last week I had the fun of helping at the Book Fair at our son Tom's middle school. When I saw the sign "Scholastic Books" I remembered how one of their books had influenced me as a 9 year old. Even back then we got to order books and one that I chose which had a great impact on me was "The First Woman Doctor". The story told of Elizabeth Blackwell and all that she had gone through to accomplish her goal. I was so taken with the book that upon completing it, immediately went to find my mother and announced to her that when I grew up I wanted to be a doctor. She was so kind, stopping what she was doing, and acknowledged that if this was my desire, she and my dad would always try to encourage me. (It took me years to fully appreciate what her validation had meant to me.)

Possibly the book was meaningful to me because two years prior, my parents had taken me to the Hertzler Clinic in Halstead and Dr. Ruth Montgomery-Short took my tonsils out. I recall, as a 7 year old, thinking that I had never met someone like her--she took tonsils out during the day and had 3 daughters at home as well. She took time to talk to me and made quite an impression! (About 20 years later, after I had completed medical school, I got to meet her, thank her, and establish a close friendship.)

After these two events, I had other goals and didn't really think about medicine for almost 10 years. When the dream was "reborn" in my mind and heart I only had nerve to share it with my parents. The long years and nights of preparation can be shared for another day, but mainly I've had delight remembering these two profound influences in my life which happened at the ages of 7 and 9.

For those with children who may read this--please never minimize their dreams and goals and always remember that you may be the very one who motivates them to pursue a great challenge that has "their name on it"!


Journaling My Journey said...

Thank you for sharing out of your life. May many be influenced by your thoughts! We are waiting to read more.
Roger & Mary

Elisa Seaba said...

I enjoy your blog Marilee. Thanks for posting this, it was such a great reminder to me to encourage my kids to have dreams!