Sunday, December 30, 2007

Our 3 Sons

Each year we get photos of the boys by their stockings and in front of the Christmas tree. I find myself wondering how/when did they get so big!? We have had a special Christmas time with them. BOYS make a home so much fun! We love you guys--Tim, Tad, and Tom!

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Christmas Lights

I love Christmas trees and the lights of Christmas! (My boys think that I carry this to an extreme.) I enjoy them the most late at night or in the early a.m. This a.m. I tried to take some photos of some of the lights on our deck at the sun was starting to come up. When I start to see the sunrise I think of the hymns "Some Golden Daybreak" and "Sunrise Tomorrow". I took a few of a couple of the trees in our house and am experimenting with some of the "affect options"on our computer.

Friendly Family Competition!

Family get-togethers are so much fun! My mom was never happier than when our family came to their farmhouse for the holiday. This Christmas we had the delight of having my side of the family for our Christmas celebration. There is an element of friendly competitiveness seen in a view of these photos. Tim showing Chris the challenges of the game Othello; Levi and Monte in a foos ball challenge (with Gabe assessing their moves); and Shawnee and Marilee in a basketball shoot-out!

Friday, December 28, 2007

Football in the SNOW!

No, I'm not talking about the Packers, the Bears, the Bills, or the Patriots! Rather, I'm talking about the beloved traditional holiday football game (McBoyle--Felbush/Neis/Wiesner) that is organized by Jason and Levi (Felbush). This holiday I thought perhaps they would forego this tradition due to the snow. How incorrect my thinking! Though fewer in number, the die-hard players returned to the snow covered field! Uncle Gregg (Neis) though not playing, was doing his part by throwing snowballs at the players. Of course, we must credit the aunts and niece Shawnee who trudged through the snow to get photos of this momentous event! Thanks players for the memories!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Wichita's Blizzard

Early yesterday morning (Saturday Dec. 22) Tim and I decided to do some Christmas shopping. When we started out all was fine, but within just a little over an hour the weather had really, really changed! We had blinding snow, and I was so thankful to get home. Tim put a fire in the fireplace and we enjoyed being at home. Of course, our boys wanted to be "out and about"! One of these photos show the blizzard in "real time" and the other shows the calm of a beautiful Sunday a.m.

Friday, December 21, 2007

My Wonderful Sisters

One of the great joys of my life has been having Donneta and Laurel Diane as sisters! Together we have shared some of life's happiest and saddest times. The photo in this blog was taken in Estes Park, Colorado last summer. We were out there at the same times with our families. It brought back such special and treasured memories of the many times our parents had taken us there for family trips. Recently Donneta had a heart catheterization which thankfully was normal and this was followed by total knee replacement the following day. She's now undergoing the painful rehab. She's such a trooper! My youngest sister, Laurel, just had a birthday on December 18. One of the happiest days of my life was when Daddy came home and told us we had a new baby sister! Laurel and my mom came home on Christmas Eve. She was truly the best Christmas present that we could have dreamed of. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LAUREL!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Thanksgiving Memories

A few days before Thanksgiving I began listening to a tape by Nancy Leigh DeMoss entitled "An Attitude of Gratitude". She stated that there are 3 G's--Guilt for our sin, Grace which is so abundant, and the Gratitude that this produces. This made sense to me and I enjoy things that rhyme so I have thought quite a bit about having an attitude of gratitude. I read that the Pilgrim's made many more graves than huts yet they set aside a day of Thanksgiving. I had intended to do a Thanksgiving blog last week but now you know why the boys call me "slo-mo" which stands for slow mother!

We had a special Thanksgiving time. Early in the day Tim (my great chef husband) got the turkey ready and in the oven. We then went to my mom's assisted living home to celebrate with her and some of the other residents there. This was the first year that she couldn't be with us in our own homes but we had such a special time where she now lives. We then went home and had our second celbration with our family and Tim's mother. On Saturday we went to Donneta and Monte's for the McBoyle Thanksgiving. We had such a special time and the kids enjoyed the usual Thanksgiving football game. Each team thought that they had won.

I have so much to be thankful for and I hope I can daily be remined of God's Grace which should produce in me such an attidude of gratitude.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Coach for a Day

When I was growing up there was a TV show with the title, "Queen for a Day". I was certainly never that but last Saturday I was "Coach for a Day"---probably more correctly titled "Assistant Coach for an Hour". Tommy had a Biddy basketball game and their coach never arrived. For the game to be played there had to be a parent "acting as a coach" sitting on the bench. Another Mom was delegated to be the head coach and she asked if I would be her assistant. You should have seen the look on Tommy's face when I walked over to the bench and told him I would be one of the coaches! He looked mortified to say the least. Whenever there was a time-out called by the other team or a break for a quarter or at half-time, the boys wouldn't even come over to us! They just huddled by themselves a distance from their coaches (the other Mom and me). I did ask them if they thought a full court press might work. They discussed it (briefly) and it was implemented for an even briefer period of time! It has been my observation that often the coach's kid gets to play a lot of minutes in a game--not always, but often. So, true to form, my son played every single minute in this game! Now I have to admit that his team only had 4 players and had to "borrow" a player from the other team! Now for the moment you have all been waiting for (drum roll--------), Tommy's team won 46-45 and Tom had about 12 points. My coaching record stands at 1-0, and I believe that I'll quit while I am ahead! Also, I haven't been getting calls from the big name schools, etc. So, though I could never add "Queen for a Day" to my resume, I can now add "Assistant Coach for an Hour" to my resume.

So long for now from "Coach Marilee we roll the basketball along"

P.S. It was quite a "feeling of importance sitting on the bench!"

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Tim drives this l982 VW bus. This is Tim and Tad's transportation to school. Neither the AC or the heat work. Now that the mornings are getting colder the boys have some chilly rides to school! (Maybe we should get them lap blankets for Christmas!) This photo which my sister, Laurel, sent me is of our boys with their cousins, Alex and Anna after they had taken a ride in the bus. The kids have fun with their cousins. Next week I will post photos with the Felbush, Neis, and Wiesner cousins playing in their traditional Thanksgiving football game.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Fall's Last Stand!

The trees have been beautiful, but some are now bare. The photo of the tree came from a neighbor's backyard where our dear friends Ginger and Kent Ewonus used to live. The mums are in our backyard. Many of the earlier varieties have turned brown but these are still pretty. I love fall and never want it to end, but I've enjoyed it so very much.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Remembered With Love and Happiness

What do John Deere combines, Rocky Mountain National Park, and the Golden Gate Bridge have in common? They were just a few of the many things loved and enjoyed by my dad. It was 7 years ago tomorrow (November 14, 2000) that he passed from this life into eternity and into the Presence of the Savior he had trusted so many years previously. I love him so much and hold and treasure the memories that were filled with happiness and love.

Veterans--THANK YOU!

A couple of days ago, my sister, Donneta, sent me an e-mail that included touching tributes to our veterans. I realize that so much of what my family and I enjoy (and often take for granted each day) is because of those who have sacrificed so much. Though I am a couple days late I wanted to post this gratitude to all those present and past who have served in the Armed Forces of our country. (Tim's father served in the Army and my father served in the Army Air Corps.) Tim and I are flying American Flags in the front and back of our home to honor those who serve our country.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

I Have a Blog!

For over a year I have admired my friend, Mary Neir, and her family for blogging. I have so enjoyed following the activities and memories of Mary and her family. Through her example and encouragement I am now trying to set up a blog myself. I am not at all good at this and wanted my husband, Tim, to sit beside me, "hold my hand", and show me what to do. He suggested that I try to do this by myself!? I will try to send this and if it works, I may try to add some photos later today!

Tim and I have always loved fall. These are some photos of mums around the house that we enjoy so much.