Sunday, August 31, 2008


One of my favorite and loved places is Estes Park, Colorado and Rocky Mountain National Park. My parents took my sisters and me to this area for our family vacations as we were growing up. Such treasured memories come to my mind and are stored in my heart of these times. Now this has become a favorite place for Tim and me to take our boys. I hope that someday they will have the "museum of memories" of these family times as well. We got to take our family vacations to Estes/RMNP earlier this month. We had a wonderful time, but as usual, I am slow in blogging. The photo of the 3 boys was taken along the Old Fall River Road that leads to the top of Trail Ridge Road. The picture of the 5 of us on boulders was at Lake Hiayaha. We had hiked to this lake many years ago with my parents. However, I had forgotten that once you get to the lake it is surrounded by huge boulders. The boys hopped from rock to rock like mountain goats. I, on the other hand, scooted around on my bottom--scared to death! They all laughed at me. The photo of the 5 of us was taken from a look out tower in Roosevelt National Park with the Rockies in the background. We had gone on a Wilderness Tour to this summit. The Wilderness Tour is the roughest, wildest, but most fun ride I've ever gone on. We had a wonderful time that always ends too soon. I have a hard time not crying when the time in Colorado is over, but we have fun planning what we want to do the next time. More photos to come.

1 comment:

Journaling My Journey said...

Wonderful place for memories- Looks like you had great time- Neat family
Roger & Mary